Sunday, February 28, 2010

The day suits the mood. a rainy one. I'm glad. It makes me feel like Heavenly Father is understanding our pain and he's sad too.

Because some days, we all have pain. Some little, some great. This has been a weekend of great pain for me.

The grayness outside makes me feel like its okay to be sad for a while.

But I know the sunny days will be coming again. No matter how long the rainy days last.

Monday, February 22, 2010 the making...Sackett

Here is our smallish boy who is kick kick kicking away right now! Oh how I love that feeling, even if it does get tedious after an hour of a party going on. But I still smile and poke back.

For those that are ultrasound retarded, such as myself, he is upside down in the above picture. Poor guy. His head is there on the bottom right, with his body curling up the right side, and his ridiculously long looking leg stretching out across the top. He is a full 12 cm long and 9 ounces.

Sorry for the nudie pic, but who could resist?? Immediately the tech told us, Ope, you've definitely got a boy! And he is not shy about it! If you're like me, you won't see the little boy part until about the 10th time looking at the picture.

Here's his little face looking at us. Kind of creepy in a cute sort of way. He looks like he's getting ready to punch me. Oh ya, I felt that.

And a close up of his profile with his little nose and lips.

I am so excited to be a mommy. I was a little unsure when we decided to go for it, but now I can't imagine not being pregnant and wanting to wait any longer. And I am so excited for Michael to be a daddy, because even though his family thinks it will be interesting, I know he's going to be an amazing father. Thank goodness I'm still skinny enough that he can already also feel the baby moving because I love the look he gets on his face. I thank Heavenly Father for sending me a little boy, because that is what I wanted (I'm afraid of raising a girl). But I hope for one of those someday too :) I can't wait til he gets here!

As of late...

I'm going to do a quick run through of the year...since thats how long its been since I've blogged! Sad! I will make an effort to do better. Real Quick....

We took a weekend trip down to Mexico, we even DROVE with a few of our friends. This picture (above) will forever be my motivation to be skinny again post-baby. *Sigh* You should have seen how many times I had to jump around like a freakin idiot to get this shot. Then you should have seen the old lady mocking my jumping around like an idiot. Seriously. Totally unprofessional.

Took a week trip to Israel with Michael's parents. Even got to sit Envoy on the way there AND back. Totally worth it. This is us floating in the Dead Sea. Probably one of the COOLEST things I have ever done.
Michael and I took a little trip to Lake Tahoe. It was so beautiful but unfortunately the water is freezing cold year around. What good is the lake if you can't get in the water...
Went to the big island, Hawaii with Michael's parents. The water here was not cold, thank goodness. This is on Green Sand Beach. Yes, the sand really was green. I will probably show you pictures later. But this was by far the best picture of the trip. Debbie is completely oblivious to the rogue wave that is about to WIPE. HER. OUT. I don't think Michael and I made it out alive either.
I went to England for 1 week without my hubbie. I had the week off...he didn' I said meh, why not go to England? My moms cousin lives there so I stayed with her and we had a jolly time! This is one of my favorite pictures of the London Eye. I didn't ride it but I loved photographing it. My other fave place was York Minster and the whole town of York. Breath-taking.

There are a couple more things I would like to show you here soon if blogger would stop being so irritating...