Monday, February 22, 2010 the making...Sackett

Here is our smallish boy who is kick kick kicking away right now! Oh how I love that feeling, even if it does get tedious after an hour of a party going on. But I still smile and poke back.

For those that are ultrasound retarded, such as myself, he is upside down in the above picture. Poor guy. His head is there on the bottom right, with his body curling up the right side, and his ridiculously long looking leg stretching out across the top. He is a full 12 cm long and 9 ounces.

Sorry for the nudie pic, but who could resist?? Immediately the tech told us, Ope, you've definitely got a boy! And he is not shy about it! If you're like me, you won't see the little boy part until about the 10th time looking at the picture.

Here's his little face looking at us. Kind of creepy in a cute sort of way. He looks like he's getting ready to punch me. Oh ya, I felt that.

And a close up of his profile with his little nose and lips.

I am so excited to be a mommy. I was a little unsure when we decided to go for it, but now I can't imagine not being pregnant and wanting to wait any longer. And I am so excited for Michael to be a daddy, because even though his family thinks it will be interesting, I know he's going to be an amazing father. Thank goodness I'm still skinny enough that he can already also feel the baby moving because I love the look he gets on his face. I thank Heavenly Father for sending me a little boy, because that is what I wanted (I'm afraid of raising a girl). But I hope for one of those someday too :) I can't wait til he gets here!


Skyler and Kaitlin Ferguson said...

Oh my goodness! Those pictures are so fun and so cute! I am so excited and happy for you guys! I am so excited you're having a boy too! That'll be fun! And....yes! I want to go baby shopping for sure!

☂niki. said...

i'm so excited for you. and i love his name!

Nadia said...

Cute name!!!! Well I have both a girl and a boy and shopping for a girl is much more fun but boys are so sweet and make good babies that even I who had big doubts about having one... love him to pieces!!!! Congratulations ;-)

Sackett's said...

I'm so late in responding, I love those pics!! I need to get ours up. :) I'm so excited for you and Mike to be parents. You're both going to be amazing, but I am a little excited to see Mike as the Daddy!!