As soon as it warm enough, we get in almost every single day. Pearson and I sometimes twice a day. He loves it. It makes him nice and tired for naps and bedtime and gives him a good appetite! While it takes effort to help them not fear the water AND to respect the danger at the same time, it is possible. Even with this CRAZY munchkin!
He thinks that diving board is the greatest invention known to his world. And don't try and stop him before he's had at least 15 jumps in or you'll get a melt down!
He can't get enough of the water. We have to force him to rest after swimming back and forth between us and the stairs dozens upon dozens of times. He just doesn't stop!
His next favorite thing when his tube isn't around and when mommy is tired of ferrying him around, is to sit with the hose and spray himself and anyone in reach.
I love watching this little guy grow and start swimming on his own!
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