Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Dig

Why do we get these funny sensations sometimes?

I've noticed a couple people confessing to nose picking on Lauren's Blog.


I'm 99.99999999% positive that every single person on this planet has picked their nose.

No. Has DUG up their nose.

At least once.

I know I have.

Sometimes I wipe them on the side of the seat of the car.

And my husband yells at me.

And I laugh like a maniac at him.

It's a natural thing people. (Picking your nose, not laughing like a maniac, thats only for the crazies)

So here is tribute to all, who so boldly pick their noses.

No matter how old you are :)

What kind of a sick person.....

This ones my cousin....I'm so proud of him. During wedding photos!



Sackett's said...

haha oh you're so funny! I've totally done the seat thing. They've gotta go somewhere!

Busy Bee Lauren said...

I totally pick my nose. I may or may not have confessed that in my OWN confession booth aha!